Special March fares for RTW tickets

I know we’ve said it before, but it bears repeating – the economic news, however bad it sounds (and is), can be great news if you’re a bargain-hunting world traveler. Some people can’t think about travel right now, and that’s understandable. But if you’re one of the lucky ones with a (still) steady income, you’d… Continue reading Special March fares for RTW tickets

Itineraries for RTW Trips – Leaving from North America

When people get serious about the idea of going on a round the world trip, obviously one of the first issues involves putting together some kind of itinerary or route map. Sure, there are people who prefer to just buy their first one-way ticket, and make the rest up as they go, but if you… Continue reading Itineraries for RTW Trips – Leaving from North America

Plan some resort stops while on your RTW trip

When most people begin planning their beginning round the world trip itinerary, it’s common to concentrate on RTW must-see sights – things like the Great Pyramids of Giza or the Acropolis in Athens, but along the way you are going to want to take some breaks from those historical sights, and fortunately you’ll be able… Continue reading Plan some resort stops while on your RTW trip