Stop Waiting For Someday and Start Planning Your RTW Today

It’s so easy to get caught up in the “somedays” of life. Someday I’ll have enough money. Someday I’ll start exercising. Someday I’ll travel around the world. But when you’re always hoping and waiting for someday to come, you stop living for today, and while it’s important to plan for and dream of the future, unless you start doing something about it now, that someday can easily turn into never.

If you’ve ever thought of planning a round the world trip but kept putting it off until for someday, it’s time to realize that there’s no better moment than now to start making your travel dreams come true. You’re just going to get older, more settled, with more stuff and more commitments that are harder to leave. A RTW trip isn’t going to just fall into your lap, you need to make it happen with small steps that help you reach your goal.

You may not be able to go off on your trip this year, or even next year. But setting a date and making plans to prepare is the only way to make it happen.  Start planning your round the world trip by coming up with a budget and figuring out how long it will take you to put aside the money. Come up with a plan to cut expenses and you can reduce the amount of time by a few weeks, months, or even years.

Check out our around the world travel guide to help get started with a budget, which can vary widely depending on where you go. Obviously travel in developing countries will be cheaper than travel in more Westernized areas like Europe and Australia.  If you plan wisely and pick inexpensive destinations, you may find that living on the road can be cheaper than living at home.

Time passes more quickly than we think, and it’s easy to put things off until someday because yesterday, and we realize we’ve missed our chance. The biggest reason many people site for taking a RTW trip is that they didn’t want to regret not going later.  So start planning today, so that your RTW trip of tomorrow will be here before you know it.

Photo by Metrix X

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